



2012-04-19 10:29:00

Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering


  Master of Building Service Engineering


  Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering


  MSc/PgD in Electrical Engineering (Electrical Power Systems)

  电机工程学理学硕士学位/深造文凭 (电力系统)

  MSc/PgD in Electrical Engineering (Power Electronics and Drives)

  电机工程学理学硕士学位/深造文凭 (电力电子及驱动)

  MSc/PgD in Electrical Engineering (Railway Systems)*

  电机工程学理学硕士学位/深造文凭 (铁路系统)*


  A Bachelor's degree with Honours in engineering, science or technology, or qualifications that satisfy the academic requirements for Corporate Membership of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), or the equivalent.

  Consideration will also be given to candidates without Honours degrees but with other relevant qualifications supplemented by appropriate work experience.

  Core Area of Study (主要课程)

  This is a brief summary of the core areas of study. Students are provided with detailed information on the subjects for selection upon registration.

  Power System Technology, Analysis, Operation & Planning

  Electrical Traction & Drives

  Railway System Design, Operation & Maintenance

  Control & Computing

  Power Electronics & Drives


  Programme Structure(课程结构)

  The programme provides the option for students to either engage in a full-time study load (taking 9 credits or more in a semester) or a part-time study load (taking less than 9 credits per semester). In general, each subject requires one evening class a week over a 14-week semester. Full-time students normally take 5 subjects in a semester, and part-time students usually take 2.

  Students enrol in the MSc/PgD in Electrical Engineering programme and can select from a wide range of subjects offered under the Postgraduate Scheme in Engineering, and those offered by other Faculties, including Accounting, Applied Mathematics, Business, Computing, Construction and Land Use, Logistics, Management, and Rehabilitation Sciences. They can also select combinations of subjects that allow them to graduate with a specialisation award.

  Other Information(其他信息)

  Suitable candidates may be invited to attend interviews.

  Students admitted to the programme with strong academic backgrounds can apply for scholarships.

  Classes are normally held on weekday evenings.

  Classes can also be arranged with alternatives such as full-time weekends, full-time weekdays or on-line delivery.

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